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Punta Cana: Santo Domingo Day Trip with Buffet Lunch


Discover the rich history and culture of Santo Domingo on a day trip from Punta Cana. Explore historic sites and immerse yourself in the vibrant city life.

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Punta Cana: Santo Domingo Day Trip with Buffet Lunch

After Christopher Columbus’s arrival on the island in 1492, Santo Domingo became the site of the first cathedral, hospital, customs house, and university in the Americas. This colonial town, founded in 1498, was laid out on a grid pattern that became the model for almost all town planners in the New World.

Discover the rich history and culture of the Dominican Republic’s capital, Santo Domingo. Explore historic sites like the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Zona Colonial and immerse yourself in the vibrant city life.

Depart from Punta Cana and travel to Santo Domingo. Enjoy a typical Dominican buffet lunch before visiting the city’s historical monuments and the Three Eyes.

The first permanent establishment of the « New World » and capital of the West Indies, the Colonial City of Santo Domingo – the only one of the 15th century in the Americas – was the place of departure for the spread of European culture and the conquest of the continent. From its port conquerors such as Ponce de Leon, Juan de Esquivel, Herman Cortes, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Alonso de Ojeda, and many others departed in search of new lands.


Informazio gehigarria


Immerse yourself in the vibrant city life of the Dominican Republic's capital Explore historic sites like the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Zona Colonial Enjoy a typical Dominican buffet lunch and tickets to all historical monuments Discover the rich history and culture of Santo Domingo on a guided tour Travel in comfort with roundtrip transportation from Punta Cana included

Free cancellation

Cancel up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund

Reserve now & pay later

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Duration 10 hours

Check availability to see starting times.

Live tour guide

Spanish, English


Roundtrip transportation Typical Dominican buffet lunch Tickets to all historical monuments Visit to the Three Eyes

Important information

Not allowed Swimming Know before you go We leave Punta Cana at 8:00 am and return at 6:00 pm Does not include swimming