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Jaragua National Park: Explore Laguna de Oviedo


Discover the natural water reserve of Laguna de Oviedo in the southwest of the island. Enjoy panoramic views of Jaragua National Park & learn about the natural habitat of about 60 waterbird species.

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Start your day driving south along the scenic coastal road with panoramic views over the bay of Barahona towards Oviedo Lagoon. Situated in the Jaragua National Park this saltwater lake is the second largest body of water in the Dominican Republic. It is home to about 60 species of water birds and consist of 22 islands of different sizes and vegetation.

After a short walk along the shore of the lagoon, you will reach a small pier where you will jump into a boat and enjoy the natural beauty of the lagoon from a different point of view. Stop at one of the islands, where you will have the change to see some iguanas as you make your way across the small island. Reach an outpost with cacti dominating the scenery and enjoy a perfect view over the lagoon, the Jaragua National Park, the Caribbean Sea and the mountains of Bahoruco.

After this once in a lifetime natural experience head back to your hotel in Barahona. On the way back you will stop at the Los Patos River and take a refreshing dip in the river. Lunch is available on surcharge.